Works of John Burge recording project:
campaign for donors

Thirteen Strings has recorded a CD of music by Ontario composer John Burge which had been commissioned by Thirteen Strings. The following works were recorded:

Sinfonia Antiqua, One Sail, Upper Canada Fiddle Suite, Forgotten Dreams.

Thirteen Strings welcomed two principal players of the National Arts Centre Orchestra as soloists, specifically Joanna G’Froerer, flute, and Rachel Mercer, cello, for two of the works. We were also delighted to have worked with Norbert Kraft as producer and sound engineer. This project is a recording for NAXOS records. NAXOS has now confirmed our CD release date of August 2022.

Many of you, friends of Thirteen Strings, contributed to our campaign for our CD of the music of Franz Beck, also for NAXOS records. Thirteen Strings is once again offering the possibility to be part of this project by supporting our fundraising campaign.

Principal Sponsor

Donation / Don
